What Exactly Is Mini-Split Air Conditioning?
December 6, 2019
Mini-Split Air Conditioning Air Authority

What Exactly Is Mini-Split Air Conditioning?

Mini-split air conditioning, also known as a ductless HVAC system, combines the efficiency of a thermostat-controlled unit with the convenience of a window air conditioner. A mini-split system offers you flexibility when you want precise temperature control in a particular room. This type of air conditioning may also lower your cooling and heating bills. Today’s blog from Air Authority explains what mini-split air conditioning is and how it works.

Basics of Mini-Split Air Conditioning 

Mini-split air conditioning keeps the air warm or cool in a single room. It contains an indoor unit to circulate the air and an outdoor condenser unit, just like a whole-house air conditioner. The difference is the lack of air ducts. The only connection between the inner and outer unit is a small pipe to transfer refrigerant. Refrigerant flows through a pipe near the outer unit, cools or heats the air, and transfers it to the indoor unit before a fan blows it into the room. 

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Where Mini-Split Air Conditioning Makes Sense

Not every house is a good candidate for mini-split air conditioning. Mini-splits work best for a single room. This system makes sense for home additions, a garage, or small spaces. Mini-split technology comes in handy when you can afford a higher front-end investment, plan to own your home for decades to come, and want to save up to 25 percent on your heating and cooling bills.

Why Mini-Split Air Conditioning Saves Money

Mini-split air conditioning doesn’t use ductwork at all. Even a modern, efficient, whole-home HVAC system may lose as much as one-fourth of its energy because of the ductwork. You can save up to 25 to 30 percent on your heating and cooling bills with mini-split air conditioning. The longer you own your home and the better you maintain the mini-split system, the more money you save. Plus, you only use mini-split air conditioning in specific rooms as opposed to every room at once. If no one is in the room, either turn off the unit or alter the thermostat settings.

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Mini-Split Air Conditioning Aesthetics

Mini-split air conditioning means you get better views of the great outdoors and better lighting due to a lack of window units. There are no messes to clean up from condensation, which alleviates possibilities of worn-out floors, fading, and rot. These air conditioners save money as well as give you better design choices in each room.

Mini-Split Air Conditioning From Air Authority

Talk to Air Authority about mini-split air conditioning for your home. We can design a system that’s right for you, so you can realize cost savings over time after making an investment. Call (513) 229-0789 or contact Air Authority for more information.

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