How Air Filters and Purifiers Help Fall Allergies
September 15, 2023
Woman with allergies sneezes in her home

How Air Filters and Purifiers Help Fall Allergies

The arrival of fall brings on seasonal allergies. Pollen, mold spores, and dust are notorious for triggering sneezing, itchy eyes, and discomfort. 

The Air Authority in Cincinnati and Southwest Ohio explains the effectiveness of air filters and air purifiers in combating seasonal allergies.

Can Air Filters Reduce Allergies?

Air filters are designed to capture airborne particles and pollutants, such as dust, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores. These filters are typically installed in ventilation systems, improving indoor air quality by trapping allergens before circulating throughout your living space.

Related Post: 5 Factors that Affect Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) 

Yes, air filters can help with allergies. Our allergy-control air filters, in particular, are well-regarded for their ability to capture tiny particles, effectively capturing allergens.

Air filters use a dense fiber network to trap particles as air flows through them. This can significantly reduce the concentration of allergens in the air.

While not a standalone solution for severe allergies, they are crucial in creating a comfortable environment.

Do Air Purifiers Help with Seasonal Allergies?

Air purifiers go a step further than traditional air filters and are designed to remove smaller particles and even certain gasses from the air. 
Air purifiers can help with seasonal allergies, but their effectiveness depends on several factors. The key benefit of air purifiers is their ability to remove a wide range of allergens from the air, including pollen, mold spores, and dust mites. 

Electronic Air Cleaners 

Air Authority offers options for electronic air cleaners or electrostatic precipitators. This advanced air filtration traps the dust, pollen, and bacteria responsible for causing your household allergic reactions. 

Electronic air cleaners don’t just pull and clean the air directly blowing from your air ducts, but they also capture particles brought in through open doors and windows. 

An Air Authority technician can determine the right filtration unit for your home and install it in the most effective location. 

Air Filters and Cleaners Go Above and Beyond

If you or your family members suffer from seasonal allergies, you know cleaning alone won’t stop your symptoms. Using products installed by experienced technicians, you can expect: 

Particle Removal: Both air filters and electronic air cleaners excel at removing airborne particles that trigger allergic reactions. These filters are designed to trap particles as small as pollen and pet dander, ensuring that they don’t remain suspended in the air where they can be inhaled.

Reduced Exposure: By capturing allergens, these devices reduce the concentration of triggers in the indoor environment. This lowered exposure can lead to fewer allergic reactions and less severe symptoms.

Creating a Safe Haven: For those with allergies, having a designated allergen-free space within the home can offer a break from outdoor allergens.

Continuous Filtration: Unlike manual cleaning, these devices operate continuously, consistently reducing allergen levels over time.

Get in Control of Fall Allergies 

When used alongside other allergen-reducing practices, such as keeping windows closed during high pollen seasons and maintaining a clean living environment, air filters help manage seasonal allergies. 

Contact the HVAC professionals at Air Authority or call us at 513-229-0789. 

We can provide a free second opinion and help you determine what solution will improve your home’s indoor air quality. 

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