How Often Should a Furnace Be Serviced?
December 15, 2023
A technician prepares to service a residential furnace.

How Often Should a Furnace Be Serviced?

Every furnace company and HVAC maintenance provider will tell you you need an annual service. It’s easy to brush this advice aside and wonder if it’s really necessary. We get it. 

However, your furnace does more than just warm your home. A well-working furnace keeps your family safe. So, we’ll give you the advice you’ve heard before. Your furnace should be serviced every year, minimum. 

Air Authority shares the recommended frequency for furnace servicing, signs that your furnace needs attention, and the consequences of neglecting maintenance. 

How Often Should You Service Your Furnace?

For most homeowners, annual furnace service is a good rule of thumb. Having a professional technician inspect and service your furnace once a year can help identify potential issues before they become significant problems. 

Annual maintenance typically includes tasks like cleaning, lubricating, and inspecting various components, as well as checking for gas leaks or carbon monoxide leaks, which is crucial for your safety.

Other factors contribute to how often you should consider furnace service 

Bi-Annual Maintenance

If you use your furnace year-round for heating and cooling, as with many heat pump systems, it might be a good idea to schedule bi-annual maintenance. 

Since your system works year-round, it undergoes more wear and tear and may benefit from more frequent servicing. Spring and fall are good times for these check-ups to ensure your system is ready for the upcoming season. Spring and fall are also non-peak times for using your air conditioning or furnace when temperatures are moderate. So, it’s much better to work on a furnace in these seasons.

Older Furnaces

If you have an older furnace, it’s generally a good idea to have it serviced more frequently, even up to every six months. Older furnaces tend to be less efficient and more prone to breakdowns, so regular attention from a professional can prolong their lifespan and ensure they run safely.

Manufacturer’s Recommendations

Always check the manufacturer’s recommendations for your specific furnace model. Some manufacturers provide clear guidelines on when and how often to service their units. Following these guidelines can help you maintain your warranty and ensure the optimal performance of your system.

How to Know When Your Furnace Needs Service

While setting a regular maintenance schedule is essential, it’s equally important to be vigilant for signs that your furnace might need service between those appointments. 

Common Indicators Your Furnace Requires Attention

See these common signs your furnace needs to be serviced.

Reduced Heat Output

If you notice that your furnace is no longer providing the level of warmth it once did, it could be a sign that it needs maintenance. 

Reduced heat output can result from a clogged air filter, a malfunctioning thermostat, or a problem with the heating element.

Strange Noises

Unusual noises coming from your furnace, such as banging, squealing, or popping sounds, are often a sign that something is amiss. These noises may indicate issues with the blower motor, bearings, or other moving parts that need servicing.

Related Post: How to Quiet a Noisy Furnace Blower (10 Tips)

Frequent Cycling

If your furnace turns on and off frequently (short cycling), it can indicate a range of problems, including a faulty thermostat, a clogged air filter, or an issue with the ignition system. 

Frequent cycling not only affects your comfort but also puts extra strain on your system, increasing wear and tear.

Increased Energy Bills

A sudden spike in your energy bills, without a corresponding increase in heating needs, can be a red flag. It may suggest that your furnace is working less efficiently and consuming more energy to achieve the same level of heating. Regular maintenance can help optimize your furnace’s efficiency.

Pilot Light Problems

If your furnace has a pilot light that frequently goes out or burns with a yellow or flickering flame, it’s essential to address this issue promptly.

 A pilot light issue could indicate an insufficient oxygen supply or a gas leak, requiring immediate professional attention.

Strange Odors

Unusual or foul odors coming from your furnace can be a safety concern. A musty or burning smell could indicate mold, overheating, or other issues. In the case of a gas furnace, a strong gas odor is a serious emergency, and you should evacuate your home and call the gas company immediately.

Carbon Monoxide Detector Alerts

If you have a carbon monoxide detector in your home and it goes off, evacuate your home immediately and call for professional assistance. Carbon monoxide leaks can be life-threatening and require immediate attention.

Consequences of Neglecting Furnace Maintenance

Neglecting regular furnace maintenance can have negative consequences, both in terms of comfort and safety.

Here are some of the potential issues that may arise if you skip or delay furnace servicing:

Reduced Efficiency

When your furnace isn’t properly maintained, it has to work harder to produce the same amount of heat, leading to decreased energy efficiency. This inefficiency can result in higher energy bills by wasting energy and money.

Increased Repairs

Skipping maintenance can lead to more frequent breakdowns and costly repairs. Simple problems left unaddressed can escalate into major issues, requiring extensive repairs or even an entire system replacement.

Safety Risks

One of the most critical consequences of neglecting furnace maintenance is the risk to your family’s safety. Gas furnaces, in particular, can develop gas leaks or carbon monoxide leaks if not properly maintained. 

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that can be deadly if inhaled. Regular servicing helps detect and prevent these dangers.

Reduced Lifespan

Furnaces that aren’t regularly serviced tend to have a shorter lifespan. By neglecting maintenance, you may replace your furnace much sooner than anticipated, which can be a significant expense.

Related Post: How Much Does a Furnace Tuneup Cost? (Total Price Breakdown)

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Dirty and clogged components in your furnace can lead to poor indoor air quality. Dust and debris can be circulated through your home, potentially worsening allergies and respiratory issues.

Can You Clean Your Own Furnace?

While some routine maintenance tasks can be performed by homeowners, such as regularly changing air filters, there are limits to what the average person can safely and effectively do. Cleaning your furnace is a more complex task and often requires professional expertise. 

DIY Tasks

  • Cleaning Registers and Vents: Dust and debris can accumulate in registers and vents. You can vacuum these areas and wipe them down as part of your routine cleaning.

Professional Servicing

  • Internal cleaning: Cleaning the internal components of your furnace, such as the blower motor, heat exchanger, and burners, should be left to professionals. These tasks require specialized tools and knowledge to ensure safety and effectiveness.
  • Gas furnaces: If you have a gas furnace, you must leave any servicing, maintenance, or repairs to qualified HVAC technicians. Handling gas-related components without expertise can be dangerous.
  • Complex repairs: If you notice any issues with your furnace that go beyond routine maintenance, it’s best to consult with a professional technician

Call an HVAC Specialist in the Cincinnati Area

Contact Air Authority’s HVAC technicians to diagnose and address any issues with your furnace this winter. We’ll get your heating system back on track. Get in touch with our team, or get a free second opinion. 

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