HVAC Upgrades: 7 Ways to Boost System Performance in Cincinnati
April 28, 2023
HVAC- 7 ways to Boost system

HVAC Upgrades: 7 Ways to Boost System Performance in Cincinnati

If you’re looking to take your HVAC system to the next level, there are a few HVAC upgrades you can make to get the job done. 

Air Authority Heating and Air in Cincinnati, Ohio, explains seven ways to upgrade your HVAC system and boost performance. 

1. Whole Home Filtration

These aren’t disposable filters that get used and disposed of every few months. These last a long time, up to 12 months. This links up directly to your return duct or your HVAC system.

Using a whole-home filter accurately cleans out particulates from the air, including some harmful airborne viruses, and evaporator coil. Filters are rated based on MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) on a scale of 1-20.

The higher the number, the better the filtration. If the filter captures too many particulates, it will also prevent air from passing through properly. 

Many brands offer whole-home filters with a rating between 5-10 — which is the ideal range.

2. Zoning System

A “zoned HVAC” uses dampers in the ductwork to control and direct airflow to specific areas of the house. It allows one bedroom to be warm and the other cool, and vice versa. 

Upgrading your HVAC system with Residential Variant Refrigerant Flow (VRF) zoning systems reduces energy consumption. You no longer cool or heat unused rooms. 

3. Ionizer

This kills mold and viruses in the home. They also give an electrical charge to airborne particles floating about, making them heavy enough to land on the ground for easy vacuuming. 

When an ionizer is installed within your HVAC system, it damages harmful gasses and pollutants within the system, leaving behind only water vapor, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. 

These are cost-effective purchases that don’t require a lot of maintenance but offer a lot of positive returns on investment.  

4. Humidifier or Dehumidifier

whole home humidifier attached to return duct system

Not only are you and your family more comfortable, but it’ll also save you some money long term. The heating and air system won’t run as frequently to keep up with fluctuating temperatures. 

5. UV Light Attachment  

Every heating and air system should have a UV light to shine on the return and supply side of the coils. This way, you (or a professional technician) can more easily identify those hard-to-spot grimy areas on the evaporator and condenser coil. 

6. Surge Protection

Heating and air conditioning systems are expensive. Owning a surge protector for your HVAC is like owning insurance on your house. Just in case there is a power surge, your HVAC system won’t face the brunt of a power outage. 

7. Smart Thermostat (Programmable Thermostats)

The thermostat is the brain of your HVAC system; it controls exactly how much cool and hot air is administered through your home. If you have a non-programmable, manual thermostat, consider an upgrade to a smart or Wi-Fi-controlled thermostat. 

Not only are these types of thermostats more convenient to use, but they also help to promote better energy efficiency. 

  • Programmable thermostats: You can program settings to adjust to the weekday or weekend. The price range is dependent on how many features and the level of customization you need.
  • Smart Thermostats: They connect to your smartphone and offer easy-to-adjust settings control for those frequently outside of the home. 

HVAC Upgrade FAQs

Should I Upgrade My Entire HVAC Unit? 

If your HVAC system is over 10 or 15 years old, it should be upgraded. Most can last up to 20 years, if not more. 

Before you upgrade, consider this: Have you recently remodeled or renovated your home? 
If so, the numerous particulates released into the air can negatively affect the performance of your HVAC. Consider replacing your HVAC unit with a quality brand. 

What Size Heating & Air System Do I Need?

HVAC size is determined by the amount of square footage on the property, and how many rooms or floors need to be heated and cooled.

Is a Brand New HVAC System Worth Purchasing?

An efficient, modern HVAC system from a reputable brand, like Trane(™), can lead to long-term cost savings in the form of better energy performance. 

A smart, programmable thermostat is another cost-effective choice. It gives more control over indoor temps, which is beneficial for preserving the lifespan of your HVAC. 

Why is Proper Installation Important? 

If you’re purchasing a new HVAC unit or retrofitting an existing system with upgrades, improper installation can lead to poor energy efficiency and quicker deterioration of your unit. 

Get Professional Heating & Air Services in Cincinnati, Ohio

The team at Air Authority has been providing repair, maintenance, and installation of residential and commercial HVAC systems for decades. Contact us today for more information about our service contracts and pricing at (513) 229-0789

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