What To Do When Your Old Thermostat Won’t Turn On.
October 15, 2023
Person huddled around a space heater in their home

What To Do When Your Old Thermostat Won’t Turn On.

Cold weather is approaching, and you’re ready to crank up the heat at home. But whenever you try, your heat isn’t turning on correctly or at all. 

Air Authority in Cincinnati, OH, provides troubleshooting for old thermostats not turning on and how it can relate to problems with your heat pump. 

You Have An Old Thermostat 

While they may have served you well for years, old thermostats can develop issues over time, impacting their ability to function correctly. If your thermostat is not turning on the heat as it should, the first thing to consider is its age.

Older thermostats may suffer from worn-out components, loose wiring, or dust accumulation, which can affect their performance. Sometimes, they may simply be past their prime and need replacement. 

However, before you buy a new thermostat, we recommend you walk through some troubleshooting steps.

Troubleshooting Your Thermostat

  1. Check for Power 

The first and most basic step is to ensure your thermostat has power. 

Some older thermostats rely on batteries, while others are wired directly to your HVAC system. Replace the batteries or check the wiring, ensuring no loose connection.

  1. Clean Out Dust and Debris

Over time, dust can accumulate inside your thermostat, interfering with its sensors and buttons. Gently remove the cover and use a can of compressed air to clean out any dirt. As you do this, be careful not to damage any fragile components.

  1. Calibrate the Thermostat

Old thermostats might lose their accuracy over time. To recalibrate it, compare the displayed temperature with a reliable thermometer and adjust the thermostat accordingly. This could help resolve temperature discrepancies.

  1. Inspect Wiring 

Examine the thermostat’s wiring for any visible issues. Loose or frayed wires can disrupt the connection and prevent the thermostat from communicating with your heating system.

Heat Pump Troubles

If troubleshooting your old thermostat doesn’t resolve the issue, consider the possibility that your heat pump might be the problem. Like any mechanical system, heat pumps can develop problems over time if they aren’t properly maintained

Here are some common issues related to heat pumps that can lead to your thermostat not turning on the heat:

Refrigerant leaks: A heat pump relies on refrigerant to transfer heat. If there’s a leak, it can disrupt the heating process and result in the heat pump not working correctly. Look for signs of leakage around the heat pump unit, such as oily spots or hissing sounds.

Related Post: How to Spot a Freon Leak

Frozen coils: In extremely cold weather, heat pump coils can freeze, hindering their ability to extract heat from the outside air. This can cause the heat pump to stop working efficiently or altogether. 

Regularly check for ice buildup and take steps to defrost the unit if necessary.

Clogged air filters: Dirty or clogged air filters can restrict airflow, making it harder for your heat pump to operate efficiently. Replace or clean your filters regularly to ensure optimal performance.

Faulty thermostat wiring: Sometimes, the issue may lie in the wiring between your thermostat and the heat pump. Damaged or improperly connected wires can disrupt communication and prevent the thermostat from signaling the heat pump to turn on.

Regular maintenance: Like any HVAC system, heat pumps benefit from regular maintenance. 

Air Authority’s technicians can provide performance and safety checks in the fall and spring to catch and address potential issues before they become significant problems.

Call an HVAC Specialist in the Cincinnati Area

It can be frustrating and uncomfortable when you have problems turning on the heat, especially as winter sets in. 

If all else fails, don’t hesitate to contact Air Authority’s HVAC technicians to diagnose and address the issue, getting your heating system back on track. Get in touch with our tea, or get a free second opinion. 

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